That should tell you just how much you can accomplish, even with the limited time before the next test. Notice that each time you add four or five correct answers, you make a comparable leap past the other test takers. To a lot of students, that jump of three scaled points (from a 151 to a 154) doesn’t sound very impressive, but when you consider that around 130,000 people take the LSAT each year, that increase means that you’ve passed around 13,000 competitors, applicants potentially vying for the same school(s) you’re trying to get into. If you add just five correct answers, you’ll move to a 154 and be in the 60 th percentile.

On a typical test, approximately 57 right answers will produce a score of 151 and land you squarely in the 50 th percentile, better than half of all test takers. Since there is no wrong answer penalty on the LSAT, you score is determined solely by the number of questions you answer correctly. A percentile score, comparing test-takers across various testing cohorts.A scaled score (120-180), the score by which law schools will evaluate your candidacy and.A raw score (0-~101), the total number of scored questions answered correctly translated into….You will receive not one, not two, but three scores on Test Day: Score Predictor is merely the first step in preparing for the exam. The official test is much longer and covers many more topics and question types, so we make no claims as to the accuracy or predictive value of the results. Score Predictor is a brief quiz that provides a rough estimate of the score you might receive on the official test if you took the test today.

which does not review or endorse specific test preparation materials or services. *LSAT is a registered trademark of Law School Admission Council, Inc. It also means that small improvements in your score can make a big difference in your percentile ranking (sometimes, a one point increase in your score can boost your percentile ranking by as many as 5 points). This relatively small range of scores means that small improvements in performance can increase your score quite a bit. For starters, though, here is what you need to know about your LSAT score: When considering what a good LSAT score is, try to look at average scores at the schools to which you’re applying.